“We are so often caught up in our destination that we forget to appreciate the journey, especially the goodness of the people we meet along the way.”
Do this exercise with your partner.
For each item below, describe out loud as many incidents as you can when you partner did the activity. Keep going with each item until you cannot think of any more incidents for it, and then move on to the next item.
I remember a time when …
( _________ ) put up with members of my family cheerfully
( _________ ) seemed happy to see me
( _________ ) helped me de-stress
( _________ ) pitched in when I couldn’t get to everything
( _________ ) reminded me of the good things in life
( _________ ) surprised me
( _________ ) played a funny practical joke on me
( _________ ) was a good sport.
( _________ ) listened to me when I was upset.
( _________ ) held me lovingly.
( _________ ) made love to me the way I like.
( _________ ) gave me a present.
( _________ ) did something I had asked.
( _________ ) praised me to someone else.
( _________ ) complimented me for something I did.
( _________ ) told me I was sexy.
( _________ ) told me I was beautiful.
( _________ ) did something with me I like to do.
( _________ ) said he or she was sorry after a fight.
( _________ ) admitted being wrong about something.
( _________ ) gave me a hug.
( _________ ) remembered something about my day and asked about it.
( _________ ) helped me figure out something difficult.
( _________ ) was a good sport when I teased him or her.
( _________ ) challenged me to be my best.
( _________ ) was a good parent.
( _________ ) expressed love for our child (children).
( _________ ) showed courage in our relationship.
( _________ ) treated me with integrity.
( _________ ) showed me generosity.
( _________ ) was honest with me.
( _________ ) showed me compassion.
( _________ ) did something nice for another person.
( _________ ) got turned on by me.
( _________ ) was mischievous with me.
( _________ ) got me out of a bind.
( _________ ) brought me a snack so I wouldn’t get up.
( _________ ) cheerfully listened while I complained.
( _________ ) held his or her tongue.
( _________ ) came back to finish a hard conversation.
( _________ ) took care of the kids so I had time to myself.
( _________ ) changed something I had complained about a lot.
( _________ ) helped me carry something.
( _________ ) helped me with a project.
( _________ ) ran interference for me.