“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”
Think of times in your life when you did not get an opportunity that you wanted, an important goal or plan did not come through, or you were hurt or rejected by someone.
Now look at the months and years following the “closed door.” What were the positive opportunities, accomplishments, or relationships that occurred? Would these have been possible if the “closed door” had not happened first?
Consider a door that closed on you. Where in your life were doors opened?
The most important door that ever closed on me was ____________ and the door that opened was ____________.
A door that closed on me through bad luck or missed opportunity was ____________ and the door that opened was ____________.
A door that closed on me because of what someone else did was ____________ and the door that opened was ____________.
A door that closed on me through loss, rejection, or death was ____________ and the door that opened was ____________.
When one door closes, another one almost always opens.